Shampoo is the low man on the totem pole as far as efficacy when it comes to treating hair loss. However, if you do have a scalp condition or inflammation, the appropriate shampoo can be helpful in your fight against hair loss.
Advanced Trichology’s HairStem Shampoo, Scalp Treatment Conditioner, and Follicle Stimulator Spray are all great additions to your scalp help routine.
According to Advanced Trichology founder, certified trichologist William Gaunitz, FWTS, the HairStem shampoo incorporates antifungal natural essential oils like Teatree, as well as anti-inflammatory herbs like Arnica, in a cleansing anti-DHT gentle solution that is excellent at combating male and female pattern hair loss and minimizing scalp issues like dandruff, Demodex, and excessive oil.
That being said, if you’re truly trying to treat hair loss you must look beyond a shampoo. Even the best shampoo is only going to create a better environment for growth, not stop hair loss.
To stop hair loss you need to attack the cause whether it be hormonal/DHT, nutrition, or inflammation. Two of the most common types of hair loss are DHT and nutrition. This makes up about 80% of the hair loss cases Gaunitz sees.
A very powerful all-encompassing protocol that would be attacking both of those elements by incorporating other treatments.
Advanced Trichology’s HairSTEM Shampoo has received accolades from Health Magazine, MIC, and Reader’s Digest as one of the best options for thinning hair.
To find out more about hair loss, hair regrowth, and scalp health, visit, and follow us on Instagram at @AdvancedTrichology.